
browser-to-browser messaging simplified

SimpleRTCData is a tiny open source JavaScript library which can be used to establish a standard RTCDataChannel between two peers. It does not handle relaying of messages during connection setup so a separate signalling mechanism is required. Documentation is available on GitHub and an example where you can use copy+paste to simulate the initial signalling message exchange between two peers is available below. (you might also want to check the browser's console for more details)

Unfortunately this browser does not yet support WebRTC, check back later or download one of the supported browsers.

Session Closed :( Reload ?
Bert is the initiator.
He must first


Bert is now waiting for Ernie to create an answer..

BertRTC.on('message', function(data) {
Ernie is the joiner who's waiting for Bert's offer..


Once he has an offer he will be able to